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Koochiching County

The Koochiching County website lists specific guidelines as to what materials are or are not recyclable in your area; please consult this list (as well as any materials you may have received from your county or recycling servicer) as you collect your recyclables. But remember, you can always recycle MORE than just what's collected! Reusable goods can be given to thrift stores or churches, food waste can be composted, some materials can be sent directly to remanufacturers... For tips on recycling MORE than what's normally collected, check out our mega list of what can be recycled and how.


Recycling Guidelines

All plastic food/beverage containers (clear or colored) marked with the recycling symbol #1 or #2. Please rinse. DO NOT INCLUDE: plastic items marked #3 through #6; plastic bags or plastic wrap; toys; styrofoam containers, trays or packing material; disposable diapers.

Aluminum and steel cans from foods or beverages. Please rinse. DO NOT INCLUDE: aluminum foil or pie tins; jar lids; paint cans; aerosol cans; metal toys.

Put newspapers and mixed office paper in paper bags and place in your recycle bin. DO NOT INCLUDE: pop or beer cases; egg cartons; milk cartons; tissue paper; facial tissues; disposable diapers. Magazines, catalogs and corrugated cardboard must be taken to the County Recycling Center (in the County Solid Waste Complex) for recycling.

Glass must be taken to the County Recycling Center to be recycled. Clear or colored glass food and beverage containers are accepted. Rinse and remove lids/covers. Labels do not have to be removed. DO NOT INCLUDE: ceramic cups or dishes; light bulbs; fluorescent tubes; crystal; mirrors; window glass; cookware/Pyrex.


(Last updated September 9, 2011)

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